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Career and Marketing Education Experience


With over four years of hospitality work with Vail Resorts, I have developed a set of skills valuable to serving a customers wants and needs. I use my experience to better understand situations in marketing and create practical solutions which satisfy a consumer. From this experience, I will always carry with me and apply the motto: "The customer is always right." in my professional career.

Marketing with NGO's

The opportunities presented to me via The University of Canberra allowed me to work in conjunction with Non-Governmental Organisations. The two times working with NGO's were via university projects, this granted me the chance to forge my skills in Google Ads as well as having a hand in crafting an entire campaign with a team of fellow students.

Strategic Planning and Creative Ideation

Throughout my course at The University of Canberra, I have built the foundations necessary to further enhance my experience with both marketing spheres of strategy and creative. Through individual and group projects, as well as pitches, I have learnt that strategy is crucial in achieving a campaign's desired outcomes, utilising primary research tools such as Survey Monkey, as well as Data Analytic tools such as ASTEROID. In terms of the creative sphere, ideation is my strong suite, although I prefer the strategic side of marketing. Through the creative sphere I obtained extensive experience with Microsoft Office applications, as well as sound skills in the Adobe range of applications.

Experience: Services
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